Gladlee of Guernsey

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6th-7th June - Haifa, Israel

Usual overnight passage from Jounieh to Haifa. We had been told to contact the Israeli navy when 20 miles out but most people couldn’t get an answer from them so had to continue anyway. We were to moor in the old Carmel Yacht Club marina which was a bit run down and quite small. We found a berth on the end of a rickety pontoon but were quite comfortable. Most boats had to back into pile moorings which were quite difficult as some were small and had metal bits sticking out. Some damage was done. We only had one night here so didn’t bother going into town. In the evening the club members had put together a buffet for us and made us most welcome. Reuven, an old friend of Julie’s came and visited for a cup of coffee but unfortunately could not spend more time together.

Approach to Haifa, Israel


The Rally at Carmel Yacht Club, Haifa

Chris giving a speech at the Club



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