Gladlee of Guernsey

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America Spring/Summer 2022 (Page 2)

23rd April - 19th July - American RV trip

Yukon Motel, Yukon to Liard River Hot Springs, British Columbia, Canada (via Alaska)

22nd May - Yukon Motel, Teslin

First stop in the Yukon. A campground as part of the small motel. Full power and water and a chance to dump black and grey waste, and have a meal out.

Harvey Too staying at the motel Bridge across part of the huge Teslin Lake
Elk or Caribou - not sure Likewise

23rd May - Marsh Lake TP

Took a bit of finding as the road sign had gone missing. Turned around and found it ok. Biggish place with quite a few happy campers around. Lots of space though as all the long weekenders had left.

Another frozen lake - well part frozen Very happy camper
Barrow's Goldeneye Ducks Semi-palmated Sandpiper
Solitary Sandpiper American Pipit

24th May Pine Lake TP, Haines Junction

A new stop for us but very enjoyable area.

Wild horses on the roadside Views across the part frozen lake
Another view Barrow's Goldeneye Duck
Beavers are active And again

25th May - Congdon Creek TP

A fairly short trip today takes us to a campground we have used before. Getting close to the destination.

Harvey Too in the trees (again) You talking to me??
Spectacular views Reflections
It doesn't get much better Ice melting....
Barrow's Goldeneye Duck on the ice Trumpeter Swans

26th May - Snag Junction TP

Our last stop before arriving in Alaska

Guess what Squirrel - not sure which version
Guess again Must be getting warmer - thawing
Black Bear Young Grisly bear

27th May - Sourdough RV Park, Tok, Alaska

Made it. Our first stop in Alaska. A commercial site in the small town but still managed to get a walk in. Owner very helpful with a maintenance issue.

28th May - Birch lake SRS

Must be a holiday - this place was crowded. Even so we managed to find a spot. Last time we were here the lake was frozen solid - then thawed overnight.

Squeezed in Even busy it seems peaceful
Yellow Warbler Red-necked Grebe

29th May - Riley Creek CG, Denali NP

First stop in Denali National Park. Have to stop here to register before going any further into the park.

Even here Julie can find a beer Then again - so can I
Slight incident with a raft OK - A Bridge

30th/31st May - Savage River, Denali NP

Moving further into the park - as far as we are allowed, this is a little bit more on the wild side. Great to see so many animals here including female moose and calf at close range.

Out on another hike Denali
Arctic Ground Squirrel Possibly a Marmot
Caribou Snowshoe Hare
Mum Moose coming for a look Mum and baby
Looking out over the Savage River Just magnificent
Snowy Mountains More snowy mountains
Savage River Savage River and snowy mountains
Savage River on its own Snowy mountains on their own
American Tree Sparrow American Three-toed Woodpecker

1st/2nd June - Byer's Lake CG, Denali State Park

A first for us. This is Denali State Park not the National Park. Fairly spectacular in its own right. Next door is a war memorial for the Native Americans so we decide to take the marked track. Once we get there (a touch difficult) it was well worth it.

In the trees again Lake and mountains
The hikes are not getting any easier!!! Wilson's Snipe
American Tree Sparrow White-crowned Sparrow

3rd/4th June - K'esugi Ken CG, Denali SP


Harvey Too in her slot Happy camper with evening drink
Moose... ...and close up in the campground
Looks as though this moose has been in the wars Us with Mount Denali (McKinley) in the background
Spectacular views Mount Denali

5th June - Willow Creek SRA

Should have been called Mosquito Creek. They were the worst we have had.

Harvey Too likes the trees The Creek flowing by
A bit more creek Vegetation - not a clue

6th June - Bird Creek SRA

With a name like this Julie was not going to miss it.

Must be getting warmer Swainson's Thrush

7th June - Clam Gulch SRA

Really nice quiet spot. We had been here before so expected it to be quiet. Nice walk down to the beach.

Harvey out of the trees Snowy mountains across the bay
On the beach - only slightly chilly More snowy mountains
Front view from Harvey Bald Eagle

8th/9th June - Homer Spit RV Park

And here we are. the final destination. From here on in it will all be about our return to Phoenix. Homer is a great end destination though it does get a touch busy. Went out for dinner and couldn't find a restaurant with a vacant table. Finished up with beans on toast. We did however find the best bar in town - the Salty Dawg.

View of Homer Spit It's the end of the road
Small boat harbour Fishing boat harbour
The fabled Salty Dawg Inside - money everywhere - all for charity
The exit!! Couldn't help but think of a certain Hasher
Song Sparrow Blue lupins everywhere
Black-legged Kittiwakes Sea Otter in the harbour


10th/11th June - Williwaw CG, NF

Really nice stop (again). Lovely walk through the trees to the visitor centre by the side of the lake at Portage.

Found some more trees Where are those pesky birds
Mountainous views And some more

Paddle boarders on the lake

An iceberg on the lake - sort of

12th June - Matanuska Glacier SRA

Stopped here before and even the glacier has retracted a little it is still spectacular.

And again The Glacier from afar
A bit closer A bit more
A lot closer And again a bit more

13th June - Eagle Trail SRS

Our last stop in Alaska. The following day we managed to find a very friendly garage where they managed to fix a long standing issue with some disintegrated bushes (big washers).

Happy in the trees And another river

14th June - Congdon Creek TP, Yukon, Canada

Seriously heading back now and again in the Yukon. Lots of black bear activity along the roads.

Not too big to worry us Scared him off

15th June - Dawson Peaks Resort RV Park, Teslin

We had planned to stay at the Yukon motel campground again but when we got there most of it was under water. Teslin Lake is about 75 miles long and about 3 miles wide. The water level was 23ft above normal with houses, vehicles etc. underwater. So we drive on a little and found this place. We have power and water and not overly expensive.

Yukon Motel campground underwater Harvey Too on power and water
Views across the lake Spotted Sandpiper

16th June - Watson Lake CG

This place is world famous - no exaggeration. There is a number plate forest here that covers acres with number plates from all over the world. The visitor centre are happy to provide hammer and nails to post your plates. We didn't have any plates but a friend had given us two of his ex plates. Very difficult to find a space.

In the campground just outside of town Hairy Woodpecker
Rob's plates modeled by Julie A little bit of info if you can read it
The plates in permanent position A small part of the "forest"

17th/18th June - Liard River Hot Springs TP

One of our favourite places. Once you are camping here you have free access to the hot springs. One side is fairly cool then as you go further along they get warmer, hotter, boiling. Great relaxation.

Big old Bison Baby Bison
Lots of Bison Same lot from further away
Harvey at the springs The actual hot springs
Just a little waterfall Bohemian Waxwing
Caterpillars descending down silk threads Mew Gull on nest



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