Gladlee of Guernsey

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      The Kemer Kronicle

 Volume 1 Issue 6


 March 2002


Merhaba . . . .    

A sad moment. This is the last Kemer Kronicle of this winter season as the editors will be leaving early in April for a tour of the Aegean and the Black Sea. The bad news is of course that we will be back next year with a host of new stories to tell.  For most of us this is the time we are finishing preparations for departure to new destinations including the Caribbean, the Black Sea, Croatia etc and of course not forgetting those going on the EMYR. Hopefully everyone has had as good a time in Kemer this winter as we have. Lots of new friends and acquaintances some we will see later this year and some – well who knows? So, to everyone wherever you are going next; Bon Voyage and Fair Winds and we hope to see you soon.



In the recent quiz night some people managed to spell Hasan’s surname correctly but less managed Umut’s, though there were some fairly close attempts e.g. ‘Igli Wogli Ugli’! But who knows the meanings of the two surnames?  See back page for answers.



See noticeboard for full details of individual activities



Important Notice!

Harbour Dredging

As a direct result of the recent storms it has been noticed that the harbour entrance has begun to silt. In order to resolve this problem dredging operations will commence at 08.00 on 1st April 2002 for a period of two months. During this period boats with an L.O.A. of 34 feet or less will have unrestricted access through the entrance. Captains/Owners of larger boats must apply “in person” to the Marina Management prior to any attempt to enter or leave the harbour.




EITHER YOU WERE THERE OR YOU WEREN’T!!!!!!!!    See the pictures in the office.



The first of the planned series of local Marina B-B-Q’s was hosted by Kemer Marina on the 2nd March. Live-aboards from both Finike and Antalya, members of staff and of course our own redoubtable crowd had an enjoyable afternoon of food and music.




In the second of the local Marina  B-B-Q’s, Finike hosted live aboards from both Kemer and Antalya on 16th March. A real good fun day with music, games and good food. Also worthy of note (to the other marinas?) was the fact that all the drinks were free. The games got off to a good start with Hasan coming second in the Outrigger Race. In the second of these races Kemer were not so lucky with Thierry and Claude taking an early bath (two metres into the course). Kemer did manage to do better in the Three-Legged race, the Egg & Spoon race and the Sack Race with a number of first and second places. Congratulation to Çağlar (Finike manager). Also despite considerable attempts Hasan could not manage to lure Finike’s Sailmaker to work for him in Kemer. (You might remember she was the blond Sax player).



There are six distinct stages to every project:

The search for scapegoats
Punishment of the innocent
Praise and honour for the non-participants.



Sincere Thanks

Our thanks to:
Chris & Karyn for organising the Music Group
Kit for the Aerobics, English classes and the Library.
Brian, Peter and Mike for the wonderful walks.
Daphne for her Laundry organisation.
Cecille for the Salsa lessons.
Laurent for the French conversation class.
Frank & Tari for Thanksgiving.
Daphne, Tony and Ros for Christmas and New Year.
The French for – well, just being the French.
All the children for making things a little “different”.
The Kemer Cruisers Band;
  Chris – Guitar
  Karyn – Harmonica
  Laurent – Guitar & Dambuka
  Clare – Guitar
  Steve – Guitar (including Bass)
  Bob – Lagerphone
  All of them for the vocals.
All the Marina Staff from Hasan right through to the cleaners for making it so good.

Anyone else I have forgotten who has helped make this such a wonderful winter.

Ourselves (Ron & Julie) for our bit; Bridge, Breakfast, (with Thierry) Fun & Games, and of course the Kemer Kronicle which we hope has managed to brighten a few days for everyone.



If anyone can catch this Cormorant please apply to Early Bird for a massive reward.


Song of Patriotic Prejudice

The rottenest bits of these islands of ours
We’ve left in the hands of three unfriendly powers;
Examine the Irishman, Welshman or Scot.
You’ll find he’s a stinker as likely as not!
The English, the English, the English are best!
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest!
The Scotsman is mean, as we’re all well aware,
And bony and blotchy and covered with hair;
He eats salty porridge, he works all the day
And he hasn’t got Bishops to show him the way.
The English, the English, the English are best!
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest!
The Irishman now our contempt is beneath;
He sleeps in his boots and he lies in his teeth;
He blows up policemen, or so I have heard,
And he blames it on Cromwell and William the Third.
The English are noble, the English are nice!
And worth any other at double the price!
The Welshman’s dishonest – he cheats when he can –
And little and dark, more like monkey man;
He works underground with a lamp in his hat
And sings far too loud, far too often, and flat.
The English, the English, the English are best!
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest!
And crossing the Channel one cannot say much
For the French or the Spanish, the Danish or Dutch;
The Germans are German, the Russians are Red
And the Greeks and Italians eat garlic in bed.
The English are moral, the English are good
And clever and modest and misunderstood.
And all the world over each nation’s the same
They’ve simply no notion of Playing the Game;
They argue with Umpires, they cheer when they’ve won,
And they practise beforehand, which spoils the fun!
The English, the English, the English are best!
So up with the English and down with the rest!
It’s not that they’re wicked or naturally bad:
It’s knowing they’re foreign that makes them so mad!
For the English are all that a nation should be
And the flower of the English are Ron and Julie!
The English, the English, the English are best!
I wouldn’t give tuppence for all of the rest!



Sea Fare


2 cups wholemeal flour (250g)
2 cups plain flour (250g)
1 tablespoon dried yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
1½ cups warm seawater or water with 2¼ teaspoons of salt. (approx 325ml)

Warm the water (a little hotter than lukewarm: the warmer you can make it without killing the yeast, the quicker it will rise).  Mix the water, yeast and sugar, and let the mixture stand until it bubbles – about 5 minutes.  Add the flour and mix well.  Thoroughly grease the pressure cooker and dust with flour (this is important).

Put the dough directly into the cooker, put the lid on and leave to stand in a warm place until risen as high as you require.  This may be anything from ½ hour to 2 hours.

Cook on a very low flame without pressure until the dough is firm (about 45 minutes). Shake out, turn over and replace in the cooker for a further 15 minutes – I sometimes put a little butter in the bottom to give a brown top.

Variations: add mixed spice, dried fruit (e.g. chopped apricots or sultanas). Herbs and cheese on top, or sesame or poppy seeds, etc. etc.

 Julie ‘Gladlee of Guernsey’


Business News

(Good news for Sam the Man)

The Editors are pleased to be able to announce that the FBI have now offered a Full Pardon for all past crimes against the nation to Sam the Man and all members of his gang, the “Board of Directors”.  This pardon comes in recognition of Sams genuine attempts to follow a legitimate career as an Author following the publication of his first novel “Pirates” which was charitably donated to friends and neighbours. In addition we can also advise that Sam the Man now seems to have resolved his financial difficulties and is yet again a Multi-Millionaire. (Turkish Lira of course).


Caption Competition?

“Hello Cheeky”

Any better (or alternative) suggestions to the editors for next years issue.



We are pleased to report that Ingemars underwear, lost at the Valentines Party has now been found. We understand it was in the possession of one of our French ladies??


Music Night

The Kemer Cruisers Music Band


Wednesday 27th March saw the last of the Music Nights with the Kemer Cruisers. The evening started with the grand entrance of our very own Tina Turner with a new number for the band, Steamy Windows. From then on the rest of the band got a look in with some marvellous guest appearances by Aubrey, Fred (the tortoise), Tari, Roger, Jim and some of our teenagers. After the band had done their thing it was time for the general sing along, this being followed as is now traditional, by the Kemer Marina Formation Dancing team with their very own Mambo #5.  A great night and the final words of wisdom for the Band – Don’t give up the day jobs!!!!!!




Home Wanted

Potential “Ship’s Dog” seeks loving home. The Marina’s latest ‘on site’ birth, Lucky, is seeking a new and loving home. Offers to Clare or Glynis.



Roger Brett, S/Y Valerie Jean is now available as a guest singer for all occasions. Weddings, Funerals and Bar mitzvahs a speciality.


Farewell Party

Thursday 28th saw all, or most of us anyway, attend the Farewell Party in the gardens of the Navigator hosted by the Marina Management.  Obviously a lesson has been learnt from Finike and free wine was available to everyone!! A good BBQ started things off and our thanks to the chef. Desserts generously donated by a number of the liveaboards were duly savaged by all and sundry. Gifts of our nice blue Polo Shirts from the Marina were then handed out by the Kemer Marine Officialdom who very nicely introduced themselves to everyone. Dancing including of course the world famous Mambo #5 followed by a few games; Tug of War, 3 legged apple & spoon, water balloon race and slow bicycle race. Good fun all round. The usual speeches and thank you’s were made in just about every language known to mankind.

Finally the formal gathering for the group photograph(s).  An early “Happy Hour” was announced in a very timely fashion and a few stalwarts made it to the Navigator Bar for some final refreshments.  Thanks to all the Marina Management for a very pleasant afternoon.




There are now many different sources of  weather information available to the yachtsman though reliability and interpretation has to be determined by the individual. A very useful source is Navtex with stations transmitting from both Greece and Turkey in English, though this only gives a 12 hour forecast and 12 hour outlook. In Turkey there are:  Samsun (E), Istanbul (D), Izmir (I) and Antalya (F) and in Greece, Limnos (L), Irakleon (H) and Kerkyra (Corfu – (K)) and Cyprus (M). These forecasts can be received by a dedicated Navtex Receiver or via SSB Radio and computer (with relevant software and demodulator) on 518 KHz (516.8 kcs) USB.
Monitoring VHF channel 16 will give weather reports at intervals during the day in both Greece and Turkey.
The Internet now has many websites with information, try  - a very good  Greek weather website giving graphic (colourful) detail and up to 72 hour forecast. - a Cruising Association member’s site with links to other weather sites. Medweather/Medweather.htm  
 Rod Heikells site with links. Select "world" and enter nearby town and
country to give  5 and 10 day forecasts, plus hourly ones with wind vectors.
Nemoc (Naval European Meteorology and Oceanography Centre) US navy site from Rota.
UK Bracknell website but from Nemoc and charts from Athens.
Turkish Aegean Tech  weather report.
raporeng.htm  after 1900hrs for Turkish weather.
Five-day forecasts are broadcast daily in English at 0415 UTC on 4583 kHz, 7646 kHz, and 10100.8 kHz.  The same forecast is broadcast in German at 0535 UTC, 1120 UTC, and 2035 UTC on 147.3 kHz, 14467.3 kHz, and 11039 kHz.  The website for the German weather service is
gfsf/telexpln.html and you can find the broadcast schedule under DWD: funkfernschreiben, RTTY-Sendeplan. You will need HF Radio and computer, a program and a simple wire to connect the speaker output from your HF Radio to the input of your computer, or a proprietary weather fax demodulator and program.
TRUETTY is a program available off the internet at for trial and then you pay $35 if you want to keep it. More sophisticated is combining Chart Plotter Technology and GRIB files downloaded from the web.
Thanks Peter, Chris and Richard for info.
KAÇMAZ “never runs away”
TEPEDELENLIOĞLU: “the son of the man that digs holes in heads”




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