Volume 1 Issue 4 |
January 2002 |
Merhaba . . . .
New Year to everyone in Kemer Marina including all the live-aboards whether here currently or not, all the
staff etc etc. Many of us were away over the festive period but it would appear that apart from the weather a
fine time was had by all. More about the specific events from our various press-ganged reporters later in the
news letter. At last some fine weather has meant people going skiing/snowboarding, out sailing or just plain
carrying on with the hard work in preparation for the forthcoming season. The next few weeks should see some of
our absent friends start to return carrying all their purchases from either the London or Dusseldorf Boat Shows
– hopefully the installations will go according to plan??
Food for Thought
The beauty of injustice is that it
works both ways; half the time it is on your side.
Harry Potter
An afternoon at the cinema:
Wednesday 6th February – see notice board for details.
It is hoped to organise a theme
party for the night-time of 14th February – See notice board for details shortly.
To many of us, Christmas and
snow are synonymous, so it was not unreasonable that on the 28th December a group of us decided
to take three jeeps up to the snowline, that of course was before the snowline came down to us!
‘Our mountain’, Tahtali Dag,
is always in snow during the winter months and that or rather its lower slopes was our destination. We had
attempted the same thing a year ago from the North, taking forestry tracks, but having seen the state of
some during our walks, decided to look for another way. We had been told of a lovely
yayla to the South of Tahtali,
which could be reached from Upper Beycik where at, 1,400m there, was bound to be snow. Three jeeps and twelve
yachties set out from the marina at 0900 and after Beycik climbed up woodland tracks which at times became very
narrow with erosion and had some occupants feeling safer on foot! But the views over the sea to the sunlit
islands offshore were quite superb. Great dark masses of cloud sped between the mountain peaks to the south and
we felt ourselves to be in another world.

After about two hours we
encountered our first and only immovable object, a tree across the track, but by that time we were entering Uc
Oluk. In the spring this lovely yayla must be a sea of wild flowers amongst the green, lush grass. A place,
which just has to be revisited. Here we found our snow, albeit in shaded crevices and enough dry wood to start a
fire. Lunch was cooked with potatoes in the ashes and meat over the hot embers. Perfection….that was until one
of our number twisted his ankle on a stone! Poor chap was in pain and had to be carried to the jeeps for the
homeward journey but I think even he felt that the day was a success. |
London Boat Show
(Turkish Style)

So there we all were, walking
round the boat show spending wads of money when we were accosted by Hasan and Umut; come and make the Turkish
stand look busy and have some wine while you’re here. Never has a Kemer yachties been known to refuse a glass of
wine (or two) so we were very pleased to be of assistance. Out came more wine (and Raki) and along came more
people to the stand!! More wine – more people until the aisles were overflowing. Some envious looks from the
Croatian, Portuguese and Gibraltar stands did not deter us – more wine more people though by this time the extra
people could have the originals seeing double. The problem is of course that the Boat Show does eventually
close its doors, but not to be deterred Derek ‘Porko’ Wright (S/Y Venetian) had very kindly arranged a dinner
for 35 stalwarts at the Royal Thames Yacht Club. Unfortunately Hasan kept trying to increase the numbers much to
the exasperation of Derek. So, all into the back room of the stand and a quick
change to the evenings glad rags (very nice Jim (S/Y Quintessence) looked too, trying to imitate a penguin). All
out to the waiting taxis and off to the RTYC. I really don’t think the barman knew what had hit him (actually it
was nearly Julie (S/Y Gladlee) for almost refusing to serve her). Anyway, a very nice dinner followed with not
too many boring speeches followed of course by a few late night “ones for the road”
Doreen and Archie (S/Y Okura – Atakoy Marina) were very much in evidence with their new pilot book “Cruising the
Black Sea” – an absolute must if you are planning to go there.
What a good Boat Show.
The Lord of the Rings
By Kelsey Bohanon
Third Grade
think that Lord of the Rings was a great movie. My brother and Dad read the book and so they explained to me
what happened. The movie was about some Hobbits which are like people except smaller and one of them was called
Frodo. Frodo had a ring. The ring had to be destroyed but the only way to destroy it was to throw it into the
fiery pit in which it was made. The ring had to be destroyed because if the Dark Lord had it he would rule the
world and kill the one who carried it. |
Frodo got the ring from Bilbo who won it from Golum in a riddle game. Golom was a little creature who lived in
a cave. He found it at the bottom of an underground lake and it was there because 100 years ago a man was
fighting against evil and the Dark Lord was wearing the ring. The man cut the Dark Lord’s finger off in a
battle and the man got the ring. Later the ring sank in the lake where Golum found it. 100 years later Bilbo
found it in Golum’s cave. Golum wanted his ring back so he followed them, trying to get back his ring.
movie is about Frodo on his quest to destroy the ring. His 3 friends (Merry, Pippin, and Sam) come with him to
help him on his quest. Many others want to help him so they go too. One was an Elf named Legolas, one was a
Dwarf named Gimli, one was a man named Boromir, another man named Strider and a wizard named Gandalf. Gandalf
is a gray wizard. Saruman was another wizard that used to be good but he thought that the good side would never
win so he joined the dark side. Saruman was a white wizard though. And white wizards are more powerful than
gray wizards.
Frodo and his friends visit many places and have to kill many monsters before they reach Moridor. All in all I
liked the movie because it was adventurous.
Sea Fare

Marmalade Cake
250g (8oz) self-raising
1 teaspoon ground mixed
175g (6oz) butter of
175g (6oz) soft brown sugar
grated rind and juice of 1
3 eggs
2 tablespoons chunky
75g (3oz) dried mixed fruit
2 tablespoons milk
175g (6oz) icing sugar
grated rind
and juice ½
Orange rind shreds
Line and grease an 18cm
(7in) cake tin. Sift the flour and spice together and set aside.
Cream the fat, sugar and
orange rind together until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, adding a tablespoon of flour
with the last two. Fold in the marmalade, then fold in the remaining flour with the mixed fruit, orange
juice and milk.
Turn into the
prepared tin and bake in a preheated moderate oven, 180ºC (350ºF), gas mark 4, for 1¼
to 1½
hours. Leave in the tin for a few minutes, then turn onto a wire rack to cool.
Place the icing ingredients
in a bowl and beat until smooth. Pour over the top of the cake; leave until set. Blanch the orange rind
shreds in boiling water, drain thoroughly, then use to decorate the cake.
Business News
Reports have been coming out of
Turkey, which have shaken the European Stock Markets to the core. It has been reported that the ‘Blue Chip’
company “Sam’s Bread Round Ltd” has been declared bankrupt. It is alleged that the Managing Director, Sam the
Man, has been illegally using the Capital Reserve Fund for his own benefit to buy sweeties. The editors of this
respected journal have now been informed that Sam the Man intends to establish a new company “Kemer Marina
Postal Services Ltd”. Would you trust this man with your mail?
Christmas and New Year in Kemer
We had about 60 people in the Marina restaurant for Xmas lunch. These were mainly people from the boats as well
as marina staff and guests. It was an international affair as we had guests from about eight different
countries. The previous week was spent gathering fresh pine greenery and pine cones with which the children
decorated with glitter during their craft sessions. Our Danish interior decorator, Lone, made some beautiful
ornamentation for the windows and doors. Others helped to decorate and set the tables on the day. We had a
Christmas tree decorating competition using decorations the marina supplied as well as some custom made with a
nautical theme like the angel
carrying an anchor covered in gold glitter. The trees were literally dripping with decorations and we never did
find out who won. Daphne (Lou of Ixopo) organized a group of yachties and put together a menu plan. Each were
allocated jobs which included teaching the marina chef how to make plum pudding. We made a small one the two
weeks before and then the staff made one the size of two footballs which took 15 hours to steam. It tasted
absolutely aphrodisiacally delicious- light and intoxicated with brandy. The menu consisted of 2 10 kg turkeys
with chestnut and liver stuffing, lamb tandoori, French style champignons with garlic, 3 different gravies,
carrots, broccoli and baked potatoes. For dessert there was trifle, banana split and of course the plum pudding
with brandy sauce. The night before the children sang carols for everyone as part of their music group and
then we drank mull wine and everyone sang carols as well. Father Xmas
made a short visit for the kids and handed out presents. During Christmas dinner Father Xmas made a second
appearance and gave out gifts to everyone which we had put in for each other labelled male or female. They were
just small but useful things like woolly socks, loofahs and soap for Turkish baths, wine, lace knickers, boxer
shorts, pistachios in honey etc. Marie-Jo, tried on all the boxer shorts and modelled them by dancing on the
table for all to see. She declined the lace gee string. The turkeys were brought in with sparklers aglow and the
Navigator had done a fantastic job with all the food and the trimmings. No-one needed dinner after that
sumptuous feast.
The New Year's
Party was an unforgettable success- the kind one reminisces about in years to come. The motto engendered by
mainly the French contingent was 'Dance on, don't ever stop for if you do, then you'll drop, before the prime
The evening started with 6 o'clock happy hour. There were about 80 people expected to turn up for the party.
The general theme for mode of dress was a bow tie, head gear or mask or any combination. Roger of Valerie Jean
decided on a country look with a bow tie made of blown up rubber gloves and looked like an 'udder tie'. Then it
was time for a party game-a white elephant gift giving. People took much trouble to wrap up an unwanted article
from their boat and then given the opportunity to choose a new gift or take someone else's. The bottle of Gin
was a popular item as well as a couple of two way radios, a can of chilli con carne, a 110 volt inverter, an oil
lamp, a blow up plastic chair and a glass crystal ornament. Who got the Snickers Bar? Suddenly we were invaded
by two Father Christmas (alias Umut and Hasan) heaving two loads of presents each carefully wrapped with the
boat and person's name. Everyone received an exclusive dark blue wind vest, monogrammed, Park Kemer Marina.
Thank you very much. A magnificent smorgasbord was provided by the Navigator's wonderful kitchen followed by
local entertainment. We had our French ladies- 'The Claudettes', including token male vamp-Thierry dancing to
the music of Claude Francois, represented by our token male impersonator-Cecille. The costumes-what there were
of them were very becoming and the dance put a whole new light on the aerobics classes. Our very own
Chippendales ( Laurent, Brian, Tony and Umut) appeared next salaciously stripping off their wet weather gear,
revealing cute butts but not the full Monty despite the
millions of lira being tucked into their jocks. All those early morning rehearsals paid off they danced like
professionals. What did Brian's boxer shorts get caught on? Malcolm from 'Willie B' - our professional DJ, had
carefully selected 15 hours of dance music compiled, from the yachties' favourites. We started dancing at ten,
in couples, solo but mainly in groups with raunchy music which was requested over and over. Then we had a
visit by a sultan (Randy) and his 3 belly dancers, ( Sharon- Uhane Kai, Susie-Riduna and Daphne-Lou of Ixopo),
who gracefully caroused around their man while he ate grapes. All those weeks of practice produced great
entertainment. Then followed more raunchy dancing with hot demonstrations from some graduates from the Marina
Salsa class accompanied by two beautiful visiting French ladies-Fanny and Line-Marie-Jo''s daughters. Willie B's
slow romantic selection produced the right affect and then it was midnight with fireworks and lots of kissing.
This was followed by a delicious serving of tomato soup served from the Navigator kitchen. At 2am the French
celebrated French New Year. By 3am there were about 25 stayers with a preponderance of women. Somehow many of
the males had gone to bed-alone! The saving graces were Laurent and Hasan who danced with everybody and wore
them out. The charming male staff from the Navigator offered to dance with the ladies to ease their plight. By
5am there were nine people left, the French ladies, Laurent, Karyn and Hasan who took everyone off to The Wine
Bar( all candle lit) to drink brandy. At 6am, some of the men, Bo, Jean-Claude and Jean-Pierre returned! Where
had they been? Hakan, the owner of the bar took everyone out on a 24 metre gulet to watch the sunrise which
would have been perfect except for the light drizzle which had been falling all night. |
finally got to bed at 8am having fully rejoiced 2002. Thank you to Tony and Daphne for organising Xmas and New
Poets Corner
The Owl and the Pussycat
went to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat.
They took some honey, and
plenty of money wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The owl looked up to the
stars above, and sang to a small guitar, ‘O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love, what a beautiful Pussy you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you
Pussy said to the owl, ‘You
elegant fowl!
How charmingly sweet you
O let us be married! Too
long have we tarried;
But what shall we do for a
They sailed away, for a
year and a day, to the land where the Bong-Tree grows,
And there in a wood a
Piggy-Wig stood, with a ring at the end of his nose,
His nose,
His nose,
With a ring at the end of
his nose
‘Dear Pig, are you willing
to sell for one shilling your ring?’ Said the Piggy ‘I will’
So they took it away, and
were married next day by the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and
slices of quince, which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the
edge of the sand they danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon,
They danced by the light of
the moon.
Edward Lear
