Volume 1 Issue 5 |
February 2002 |
Merhaba . . . .
With everyone’s thoughts now very firmly on leaving for our various summer destinations, work on board seems
to have taken on a more frantic pace. Most if not all of us have however managed to find a ‘little’ time to
enjoy ourselves either partying or just going out on the boat for the day and getting used to the feel of the
sea again.
Next months edition of the ‘KK’ will be the last for this winter season so it will be your last chance to have a
story, recipe or item of information published – please see Ron or Julie. (Still nothing from the French,
German, Turkish or Scandinavian readers?)
Share the gossip and stories with a captive audience.
We had hoped to include with this edition details of how and where to find all your weather information for the
Med, but have not yet managed to collate enough information from the experts. Hopefully by next month??
Hope everyone enjoys this edition.
Heard in the Navigator (to
Clare); “Is that your brother?”
(about Sam!!!)
Can anyone beat this for
originality? |

noticeboard for full details of individual activities
Nautical Quiz
BBQ’s with Finike and Antalya Marinas
Farewell BBQ
Farewell Music/Party Night
Anniversary Party for the ‘Un-marrieds’
Farewell Music/Party Night
If anyone (and we mean anyone) would like to put
together an act, song, skit or whatever for this momentous occasion please see Chris to co-ordinate. |
Sunday 10th Julie arranged a day out to Termessos and some 30 of us managed to fight our way onto the
27 seater bus. This turned out to be a beautiful day with the weather being very kind to us.

Most of us managed to make it to the Amphitheatre for a picnic lunch though some stalwarts had taken the walk
‘to the top’ without the benefit of food. In the afternoon most people managed to get to see the view from the
top however it was noted that Ron had managed to fall asleep on one of the many Sarcophagi and had relied on
Julie for a first hand report on the view. On arriving back at the car park for our planned departure it was
duly noted that Hasan had in fact just turned up. We are reliably informed that this was due to his sleeping
late. Anyway a very nice day was had by all. Thanks Julie.
ããããããããã |

(and the
Sorcerer’s Stone)
Wednesday, February 6th, a group of people from the marina went to see the movie Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer’s Stone. Everyone seemed to like it, though there was one complaint; it didn’t go on long enough.
The movie is about a boy named Harry Potter, who
thinks he is just an ordinary boy who lives with his aunt, uncle, and cousin because his parents died in a car
crash. Then, on his 11th birthday, he receives shocking news. He is a wizard, his parents were a
witch and wizard, and they were not killed by a road accident, but by the most evil wizard of all time…
Voldemort. Harry has also been accepted into Hogwarts, a school for young witches and wizards. He goes to get
a cauldron, wand, owl, and other implements he will need at the magical school. He goes to the school by a
magical train that is reached by walking through the wall of the train station. On this train are all manner of
strange sweets, like chocolate frogs (they really hop) and Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans (they really mean
every flavor). When he arrives at the school he puts on a battered old hat that looks through his mind and
based on his mental abilities, sorts him into his school house. The year goes on, and Harry learns many things
about magic, such as transfiguration, flying charms, and the wizard game Quidditch. The year is going well
until he discovers that the Sorcerer’s Stone, a substance that gives eternal life and can turn any metal to
gold, is being guarded in the school, and |
that someone is trying to steal it. The teachers ignore him when he tries to tell them this, however, so Harry
decides to take matters into his own hands. On the night when he thinks the Stone will be stolen, he creeps
down to the second floor and goes into the first room in the series of rooms filled with objects put there to
guard the Stone. He makes his way past a three-headed dog, a strangling vine, flying keys, a giant chessboard
and a magic mirror to the last room, where he finds….well, I can’t tell you that. You’ll just have to see the
movie yourself. You’ll love it.
Angus Bohanon
Grade 7
Cultural excursion to Bulgaria?
January saw a whole host of live-aboards head
off for the ‘Apres Ski’ delights of Bulgaria. Apart from managing to get some reasonable skiing done everyone
also seems to have managed to share some cultural heritage as can be seen by the photographs. It is understood
that Stewart has now received seven offers of marriage?? |
walks have been done since the last KK. A very long one organised by Brian which started at Ovacik and ended
up at the bottom of the Goynuk Valley. We started early knowing that it would take a long time and not wanting
to get caught out on the mountain in the dark. Two years ago this happened when the walkers started from the
Roman Bridge and ran out of daylight and had to camp out. Brian and Mike were looking for their old campsite
and disagreeing the location, but Peter came to the rescue and found it. The beginning of the walk took us down
‘Hobbit Valley’ and through the moss garden which was stunning in the early morning light with the bright green
colouration. We then descended to the river which was flowing quite fast and took some time finding the right
path as some of it had been washed away. We crossed the river a few times with stepping-stones, and once with
bare feet, very cold!! A long haul up and over the top before descending into the Goynuk Valley and down to the
village. We started walking at 08.00 and finished at 17.00!!
second walk was split into two, with the long walkers taken first to their starting point and the ramblers a
little later. Mike guided the ramblers to their starting point and went off to join the others back-tracking
down the trail. We, the second group, pottered off down the track marking the Lycian Way to ‘Hobbit Valley’ and
the moss garden but were disappointed as the weather was overcast so the colours very dull. We returned up the
road only to find the first group had reached the top in super quick time. Some decided to back-track up
‘Hobbit Valley’ while the others returned to the transport and headed for their trout lunch – very very nice, at
the Caner Restaurant. Many thanks to Brian and Mike for organising the walks and John and Randy for the
excellent job of chauffeuring. |

Sea Fare 1
Roast shelled nuts: Nº4/180°C
for 20/25mins.
Remove skins when cool, if you desire a dark brown
nut butter roast a little more but watch not to burn.
Grind in coffee grinder; add salt and 1 tablespoon
oil per pint of ground nuts
Ros ‘Soleria’
Sea Fare 2
1 cup grated cheese
1 cup flour
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped tomato
2 level teaspn baking
salt and pepper
125g butter or margarine
2 beaten eggs
Mix together all
ingredients. Turn into a greased dish and bake at 200°C for 20-30 mins.
Add one of the following to mixture – bacon, viennas or tuna.
Daphne ‘Lou
of Ixopo’ |
Business News
Following on from last months report on the illegal activities of ‘Sam the Man’ the editors now understand from
reliable sources that ‘Sam the Man’ has been placed on the FBI ‘most wanted’ list. In order to assist our
colonial bretheren, the editors have taken the liberty of publishing below a photograph of this vile criminal.

Anyone seeing this master of disguise should report the matter to the marina authorities – Beware – it is
understood that ‘Sam the Man’ has started to carry a high tech foldup gun and should not be approached
directly. Hot off the wire are new pictures of Sam the Man’s gang, known as the Board of Directors. These
include from left to right; “Baby Face Baraffe”, “Jimmy Rubber Legs” and “Lucky Laura”. It is not known is
these three are armed and dangerous but care is advised.
The Editor
ããããããããã |

“Je can see
right up your nez from ici”
Any better (or
alternative) suggestions to the editors for next months issue.
Campfire Blues?
No need for matches. Just rub two sticks together for half an
hour. Hey Presto. You will feel very hot.

evening, 7 February saw 18 liveaboards (including 3 children, the youngest 3 years) board the luxury coach for
our departure to Istanbul, a 14 hour journey. We arrived to a very warm and sunny Istanbul at 7am. and were
transferred to the hotel by 8.00 am. The main group had booked a tour of Istanbul and were collected at 10.00
am. and returned later very exhausted. |
Saturday some people went off to the Boat Show and were quite impressed with the range of boats and spares
morning we were awake bright and early, our friend Hakan met us at about 10.30 and we were off on our travels
again. We visited The Golden Horn area of Istanbul and the Sultan Ahmet Mosque (the Blue Mosque) which was
fascinating, the workmanship and decorations inside amazing. We then had a walk around St. Sofia and Topkapi
palace and then on to the Basilica Cistern, which is built underground. Our next stop was the Grand Bazaar -
and it's not called the grand bazaar for nothing. People, people, everywhere.
evening our whole party of 18 were hosted to dinner by the President of Atakoy Yacht Club and the Marina
Management and we had a splendid evening with an excellent meal and lots of drinks. Lots of fun and a chance
to make new friends within the Turkish sailing fraternity.
Monday we were back at the hotel to await our transport at 6.30pm to the bus terminal. 10 of us were returning
to Kemer and at 8.00pm we were on the road again for the long drive back. We were dropped off at the marina at
9.30am. the next morning, tired but feeling good to be back.
Daphne and Tony
If anybody has found Ingemar’s underwear please can they return it to
Cocktail. Last seen at the Valentine’s Day Party.

Despite a confusing run up to this party over the location and price we eventually managed to get together at
Mr. Sailor’s Wine Bar for a very enjoyable evening. A real good effort by Harkan and his staff in providing
suitable decoration and also by Claude in adding to the décor with his collection of marina underwear. A good
selection of music and a very nice buffet got us all in the mood for dancing and games and we managed to party
fairly well late into the night (Well most of us anyway – see the following picture);

(Was that just
a haircut madam)
Some fun games were organised
by various people including; Claude and his “Sexy Tombola” where we all had to identify his collection of
underwear. What does that really say about the winner?? Next was Cecille’s “Burst the balloon” in which six
ladies attempted to burst more than the mens ballons. After cheating was detected in the first round a replay
had to be run with some very frightened looking men on the receiving end. Cecille also had running a “change
your |
partner” game which obviously didn’t work very well because no one came to claim the editor??? Next was Ron’s
turn to put people through their paces, firstly with “Passe Moi Te Banane” which was done on a national team
basis. Of course those *%$& French won again – where do they get the practice? A bottle of bubbly was awarded
for this game and Thierry was seen to be taking a little more than his fair share of this. Final bit of fun was
“Under Cover” with various couples exchanging clothing under a duvet. The winners of this were eh – who cares it
was good fun. Also during the course of the evening Hasan had been running a survey amongst the ladies to see
who was considered to be the “sexiest man in the marina”. Of course Hasan had excluded himself from the
competition in order not to embarrass everyone else by getting all the votes. In joint first place were John
and Laurent with Randy running in a close third. (Some of these women must have white sticks – grumble grumble).
So – on with the dancing, dancing and more dancing. Thanks to all those who helped to organise including the
staff at the wine bar, Hasan, Claude, Cecille, Ron etc etc.

(Who ate my

(Dr. Hasan’s
Surgery) |
