Gladlee of Guernsey

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13th-14th May - Kemer, Turkey

On the first day in Kemer tradition has it that it is Games Day. It is a good way for each group to get to know their group members and of course have some fun. We (Red group) did fairly well and won quite a few prizes though Ron suffered a bit having had to run a mile or so to collect a red ribbon and on arriving found it attached to a buoy off the swimming platform, so he had to swim for it and get back.  Peter and Nicole (m/v "Impala") surprised us by winning the yoghurt eating race and Sonya (m/v "Isle of Sentosa"), Geoff, Jen (s/y "Sooty Albatross") and Ron did NOT surprise us by winning the beer drinking competition!!

The Red group winning prizes

Boats in Kemer before the start

The gala supper on the final evening was held in the gardens of the Navigator Restaurant and was a great success with free beer and lots of food though we all realised at this stage it was inevitable that we would have to queue for our food as there were 400-odd people to feed. After the meal Hasan and the committee went on stage and did thank yous and lots of introductions.

Ron at a group meeting



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