Gladlee of Guernsey |
January - June 2020 - Cyprus
Due to the coronavirus, Covid-19, not much to report for the first few months of the year. In Cyprus, we went in to lockdown on 24th March and this continued through April. No movement or travel so everything on hold. Julie's Thursday Bridge Club went 'online' so could continue. 17th/18th January - Dipkarpaz Another visit to the 'Red Rock' this time to show Margaret, Alex, Teresa, Paul, Dave and Linda the route to the Rock.
28th January - Pedios Guest House, Nicosia Another mid-week trip to North Nicosia.
7th/8th February - Ship Inn, Kyrenia Weekend in Kyrenia with Leslie and George. Should say "A boozy weekend". 24th February - Rainbow in Alethriko
25th - Bellapais Went up there to check out trails for the Polygon Away Weekend in September.
7th March - Cottage
27th March - Wedding Anniversary We are under lockdown due to Covid-19 restrictions so we are having a two person bar night with candlelit dinner (16th wedding anniversary symbol is 'wax').
There was a partial relaxing of lockdown on 4th May but it did not totally finish until 21st May. We did manage to celebrate Ron's 70th birthday on 11th May, sitting on our front porch with Ann and John by the gate, and our neighbours, Angie, Pambos and Charalambos over the wall. Needs must. On the 12th May we fostered a German Pointer rescue dog named "Percy". He had been badly treated and had an open wound on his back as well as malnourished and weak. He could hardly stand on his back legs, presumably from being kept in a cage. Within a couple of weeks he was a playful, healthy and happy dog. We had him for about two months before he left us for his “forever home” in Scotland.
22nd/23rd May - Cottage So, the Polygon Hash resumed on 21st May, us as hares of course, though with some restrictions. On the 22nd we went up to the cottage for the first time in months. We found everything was fine apart from the garden which was well overgrown. It took a few weekends to get it back under control. Some before and after photos.
And we found some visitors up there too.
26th May - Hash At this time we managed to get both the Larnaca and Polygon Hashes started again. Being a little careful to set the hashes in remote locations we managed to resume pretty much as normal.
11th June - Baby Praying Mantis Very lucky to catch these hatching. After an hour they had all dispersed.
14th June - We hosted a small lunch as a late birthday treat with Ray and Bhing, Pam and Gordon (whose birthday was also 11th May) and Ann and John. Nice to be able to socialise once again.