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Old Photos - Nigeria

These photos were taken in Nigeria when Julie Smart worked with SSL (Seismograph Service Limited) in Port Harcourt between September 1984 and July 1986. They were mainly scanned in from slides and depict a visit to a field crew, typical delta river scenery, picnicking on the beaches, inland visits, hashing, and scuba diving in the rivers and offshore. (Apologies for not remembering everyone's name but have put them in where possible.)

1. Jill and Julie visiting a swamp field crew 2. Seismic crew exploration explosion
3. Typical river village 4. Low tide amongst the mangroves
5. Family with Cathy and Bob 6. Cathy Hyde and Bob Blain
7. Drinks after a dive with Steve Sinclair and two Bobs 8. Relaxing at the airport hotel (Cathy, Jill, Eddie, Andrew and Bob
9. Storks and Pelicans on the beach 10. Waterskiing
11. Victor Davey and Bob Williams 12. Exploring and lunch out
13. Remains of aircraft in the region of Biafra  14. The aircraft runway
15. Memorial for Mary Slessor - a missionary 16. The Words
17. Hashing and down-downs PH style 18....
19. Peter Thompson cooling off with the kids 20. Mike Ball (2nd left) and Bob Williams (right)
21. The hash group 22. John Akehurst far left
23. Dave Hurd far left, Richard in red 24. Bob Williams with a down-down
25. Julie, Dave Roper in the background 26. Tom Kerr centre in yellow
27. Diving offshore from a disused rig 28. Very large grouper - notice that the grouper is well behind the diver
29. Lots of fish and growth on the legs 30. Spectacular
31. Grouper with Remora 32. Spear-fishing
33. Close-up 34. More Grouper
35. Eddie and Bob getting the boat ready 36. Top cover
37. Locals washing in the river 38. Diving from the foot-bridge
39. Bob posing in the river 40. and with inflatable boat just above
41. Julie diving in the clear fast flowing river 42. Bob picking up a gin bottle from the river bed



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