Gladlee of Guernsey

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Larnaca - Cyprus - January to June 2016


A couple of January birds.

Spectacled Warbler Corn Bunting

January 25th - February 22nd - Oman

Please follow this link to view our trip: Oman-2016.

Ron, Jan and Al at the top of Jebel Shams Mountain View

Friday 26th - Monday 28th February

The Cottage with newly painted posts The Market Gardener?

First trip back to the cottage in a good few weeks. The weather is beautiful for us and we manage to get quite a bit of work done - including painting the front posts from their base concrete. The almond blossoms are all out and the whole place looks stunning with white and pink blossom.


Sunday 27th - Easter Hash

Easter Sunday sees the Polygon Hash traditional fancy dress picnic. A really great day out, good weather, a good trail set by Zebedee and Pill Pusher, lots of effort on the fancy dress and fantastic food provided by Easily Led and her team of happy helpers.

Easily Led and Team with our Picnic The contenders for the first prize

Who's getting the Wally? Guess it must be Budgie Smuggler

Tuesday 29th - Rescued Kitten

We knew that mum had given birth in the skip at the end of the cul de sac but thought it was alright as the skip had been there for months. Of course one week later the skip has been collected to be binned. Julie phoned up the company and after half an hour they called back having found just one kitten. We are now baby sitting a one week old which includes hand feeding, wiping its bits after toilet breaks, Julie up at 3.00am for the night feed and Ron up at 6.00am for the first feed of the day. After a couple of worries and a visit to the vet all seems well and we find out we have a "she". Julie of course has christened her Tiger (look at the markings).

Hand feeding time using an eye dropper Nap time

Getting comfortable for another nap Yet another nap with her favourite toy


Friday 1st - Sunday 3rd - Cottage

The weather seems to have changed for the better at last up at the cottage and the flowers seem to be in full bloom.

Flowers at the cottage More flowers!

Saturday 9th - Sunday 17th - Miranda and Jules visit

Julie's niece Miranda and her boyfriend Jules are out on a visit for just over a week. Despite not having a license very long Jules manages to hire a car for a couple of days so they do manage to do some exploring on their own. We leave them to it for a couple of days while we head up to the cottage to check things out.

Lunch on the patio Dinner at Panos

Berkshire Hash visit, Larnaca Hash 11th April and Polygon 14th April.

Just over 40 members of the Berkshire Hash are on a visit to Cyprus and we are hosting them for part of their trip. After doing a half marathon in Limassol on the Sunday they joined the Larnaca Hash on the Monday. The hash was followed by Dinner at Kokkos in Alethrico. They then did the Nicosia Hash on the Tuesday, the Dhekelia Hash on the Wednesday followed by the Polygon on the Thursday, their last before heading home - presumably knackered. After the Polygon we had dinner at the Klokkos restaurant in Xylafagou. A great night had by all especially as we had arranged an all inclusive fee for dinner and all you could drink.

Larnaca Hash in amongst the wind turbines Miranda and Jules - Larnaca Hash virgins

The Polygon Hash in Xylafagou And now Polygon Hash virgins

Shaz and Andy performing in the restaurant!??? A bevy of Hashers in the Klokkos

April 29th/20th/May 1st - Cottage

Tiger is getting all grown up - well nearly and enjoying some outdoors time up at the cottage. She has turned out to be a good traveler sleeping most of it in the carrier.

Tiger in the long grass? And in her home with favourite friend - Plat


May 6th/7th/8th - Larnaca Hash Away Weekend - Pedoulas in the Troodos Mountains.

The first "Away Weekend" of the year. Up in the Troodos mountains in a nice family run hotel. A fantastic weekend overall helped along by the hotel owners being such good friendly hosts. The weather was a little chilly but the rain did manage to hold off for most of the weekend. Unfortunately Ron did not manage to walk on the hash having gashed his knee really badly two days before and having it super glued.

The view of Pedoulas from the hotel Dining area in the hotel

The band of runners - sort of Julie after climbing "Cardiac Cliff".

Ron and Bing doing a fun turn as RA's The Larnaca Hash House Harriers

May 15th - All Island Lunartics Hash

The following weekend we are at Agios Georgios hashing yet again this time with the All Island Lunartics. Do we never get enough of this? Yet again Ron not participating.

The AIL group Julie and John with Andy in the background

A couple of May birds.

Cretzschmar's Bunting Cyprus Wheatear

Lots of nesting swallows around and a pair decided to rebuild a nest above our patio.

Four baby swallows Tiger growing up nicely - over 1Kg. now




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