TURKEY’S SOUTH COAST .....................................
by Nigel Morley and Julie Smart
One of the most striking features of the south coast of
Turkey is the remarkable number of mediaeval castles and other ancient
ruins visible from the sea: a less welcome one, perhaps, is the spread
of holiday villages and apartment blocks along so much of the shoreline
between Iskenderun and the Gulf of Antalya. The area is fascinating
historically and culturally, and for the yachtsman there is still plenty
of unspoiled scenery; the Arab and French-influenced area round
Iskenderun, where mountains and forests look across to salt marshes and
the fertile Cukurova plain beyond; the spectacularly rugged Cilician
coast, dotted with castles, that stretches from west of Mersin almost as
far as Alanya; and finally, the lovely Gulf of Antalya which marks the
eastern end of the more familiar Aegean cruising grounds.
East of Antalya there are no facilities for yachts as such,
though work has started on a marina at Mersin. Good shelter can be
found at the commercial and fishing harbours in the central part of the
coast (Bozyazi, Aydincik, Tasucu and Mersin), and this area has a number
of attractive anchorages too. Unfortunately none of these offer good
all-round shelter, and it is as well to be prepared for the sudden wind
shifts which can occur even in seemingly settled weather. It is also
stiflingly hot and humid on the south coast in high summer, so spring is
the better time to cruise the coast. Like its Black Sea counterpart,
Turkey’s Mediterranean coast isn’t ideal for cruising, but if you like
to avoid the crowds and explore some less well known facets of Turkey’s
history and culture you won’t be disappointed.